Monday, January 30, 2012

School Has Started!

La Escuela Ha Comenzado!  For our 3 boys and the rest of the country, school began last week.  The school year runs from January to October in Guatemala.  After homeschooling for a couple of years, we decided that it would be good to put the boys in school here for several reasons - learn Spanish faster, get them out of the house and for them to be/feel more a part of the culture here.  We chose a private school that educates with the intent of it's students going to college in the US.  With one week down, everything is going well.  We have adjusted to getting up at o'dark thirty and out the door by 6:30am.   Jack will do fine and Jon will do better once he learns a little more Spanish to know when he has homework.  Jed liked school the first day and then got over it.  I'm enjoying my newfound freedom too much to give in to his tears so we will persevere a little longer.  :) 

Ready to go!
Jack has ALOT of homework!
Jon wishing he didn't have homework.  :)  

Not only are our boys in school and need lots of help with homework, so do the kids in our families.   Thanks to the folks at Remedy Church in Jacksonville, we have 2 computers set up in our dining room to help.  Marvin, Pamela and Wendy have been over every day to use them.  At first we didn't realize that they really didn't know how to use the computer/internet.  They could search for things but didn't know that when the search results came up, you could click on each site for more information. We had to teach them the basics and how to use wikipedia.  Now they can do most things on their own.  It's little things like this that can make a difference in their success at school.

Wendy doing homework

Monday, January 23, 2012

Vanessa is in School!

Vanessa, Josue and Esau started school last week and we could not be more excited!  They have been set free and finally get to be normal kids for a few hours each day - they are beyond excited and LOVE going to school.  When Gina came to take them to get registered, she said they were jumping up and down on the bed.   Not much has changed at home with their mom but she agreed that they could go to school and a neighbor could watch Essy during the day.  We were wondering if it would actually happen but it did.  When January rolled around, Gina got the kids enrolled, bought school supplies, and ordered uniforms.  Mom did her part at school and has agreed to pay all of the monthly costs.  We need help with shoes, supplies, uniforms and registration totaling $500.  If you would like to help with the education of this family, please e-mail me or Gina

Many of you have been praying for her and this is a huge answer to our prayers - God is good!!  Please continue to pray for things to run smoothly so they can stay in school.