Friday, February 15, 2013

Remember The Lord Your God...

Remember The Lord Your God... because He will remember you.   Those were the words Pastor Mario spoke to David's family.  He then quoted Deuteronomy 8:18...

"But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today".

We celebrated David and Roselia's home.  This was one of those special ones where the story might sound far fetched unless you were on the ground here to witness it.  We didn't even realize all that happened until we heard the whole story at the key ceremony.  

David came to us in need of a home years ago.  He has a small plot of land but no means to build a home for his wife and four daughters. They were living with a relative at the time.  Fast forward to the Sunday before Thanksgiving, when the Stevens family was visiting us from Indiana.  Chris and the family were on the way back from Buena Vista.  (We had one more house to build before the end of the year and Chris needed to decide between 2 families, David's being one of them). They were on their way to see the other family so Chris could get a feel of which one to do next.  As they were getting ready to round a corner, Chris saw David and Roselia walking toward them in the street.  This, in and of itself, is a miracle because Chris usually drives past people we know on the street and never "sees" them and we had not seen this family in 2-3 months.  He stopped and discovered that they were out looking for wood to build a shack on their land which was nearby.  The family member told them they had to leave so they were essentially homeless at that point.  We knew immediately that they would get the next home and our friends visiting knew this was the family they wanted to sponsor a home for.  Pretty neat story but that's just our side of it.  For David, he learned on Saturday that they would have to leave and find another place to live. They prayed and asked for God to provide a place for them and Mario suggested they build a little shack on their land - they were praying for God to provide what they needed to build the shack - wood or cornstalk.  That night, David had a dream that he was out cutting wood from trees.  They got up Sunday morning and went out looking for pieces of wood to buy from people near their land. On the way they passed a little church so they stood outside and sang songs for a few minutes, worshipping God and praying for His provision.  As they walked away from the church, they met Chris in the street.  

The key ceremony was one of those moments where we could feel the presence of God and the communion between Him, David and Roselia and their family.  It was a special moment.  

In the midst of their need, they stopped to sing praises to their Lord.  Chances are, had they not sang, they would not have seen Chris and he would have gone to the other family and decided to build that house first.