A cutie! |
Baby Eddy was born on September 10th. Right before he was born we helped his parents build a block room. They lived in a cornstalk shack and wanted (really needed) a better place for their baby. We brought Baby Eddy, his dad Eddy, and his mom Miriam, and a few relatives home from the hospital and have kept up with him every since. Miriam had a c-section, not something you ever want to do in Guatemala, and took awhile to recover. This little guy has struggled with nursing and gaining weight from the start. He was born at 6lbs, 5oz and at 6 weeks he weighed 5lbs, 8oz. He's 10 weeks now and weighs 7lbs,11oz. He is being seen my Dra. Sara, a local pediatrician, and Lesbia, a local lady who is going to school to finish her nursing degree so she can work with moms and babies. Lesbia and I are visiting twice a week to weigh him and encourage Miriam with her first baby. She started supplementing with formula a couple of weeks ago and Eddy is gaining weight! She's 19 and can't read so Lesbia takes the time to explain things to her - how to care for herself and the baby, nursing, how to mix the formula, etc. I just hold him and listen to all of the new spanish vocabulary words I am learning relating to babies. He smiled at me today and it just melted my heart. He's a sweet baby!
Lesbia and Miriam |
A little smile |