Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Target Date of Departure - February 1st

The waiting game is over it seems.  We are aiming to leave around the 1st of February.  We are in the process of putting our house up for rent.  All the doors are opening without our effort.  For example, Chris's car will be SOLD tomorrow.  Someone asked to buy it today and the amount they will pay is the exact amount we owe on it.  CRAZY!!  I love it when God goes beyond what we could ask or imagine.  We were imagining being lucky to not have to pay alot out of pocket when we put it up for sale, not to mention having to try to sell it.  This whole process of leaving and following God has been so effortless.  We live in a  world where so much depends on our efforts but when God leads us to follow Him, the effort is all His.  All we have to do is follow.  A neat example of that is found here.  There is a part that says "read the story here".  Click that and you will be blown away.  Through this journey we are learning how BIG God is.  I said that in church on Sunday and it seems like such a small word but it's the one that comes to mind when I think about what He is doing. He is bigger than any giant we can ever face in this life. 

What are we doing now?  Soaking in every second we have here with our friends and family and trying not to think about leaving them.  We will be traveling north to Philadelphia after Christmas to see old friends and visit a church who will be supporting us (another crazy, effortless story for later).  We are selling furniture and gathering things we will need to take with usI am looking forward to the day where I don't ever have to see another Rubbermaid tote bin. 

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