Friday, March 2, 2012

Pancakes and Lice

This is my little 1-year-old friend Esdrys but we call her Essy for short.  She is Vanessa's baby sister and I am taking my turn watching her today because her regular caregiver has company in town and so Vanessa can go to school.

I started my day out wanting to complain about something insignificant.  Then Vanessa knocked on the door and less than 30 seconds later, I got a little perspective.  I am to spend my morning with one of the sweetest babies in the world who has lice in her hair and fleas jumping off her clothes.  As Essy eats pancakes, I comb out the lice and boil water to kill the lice and fleas on her clothes.  My thoughts turn to her mother who is heavily involved in drugs, prostitution and who leaves her 4 children home alone for weeks on end to fend for themselves.  I can't tell you how sad it is and if I let myself go down that road, my heart will be heavy and I will be in a rut for the rest of the day.  Instead, I am thankful that God crossed our (the Steed's and Schmidt's) paths with this family and our families get to love and care for these kids when their mom won't.  None of my silly complaints compare to the problems this precious little girl has.

On a lighter note, I can't help but to feel itchy and would love some more lice kits.  :) 

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